The Emotional Root Cause of Incontinence
We often think of incontinence as connected with aging, but this is NOT the whole story.
The bladder is the longest meridian , stretching from the eye to the little toe, all the way down the back of the body.
This yang channel carries our upright energy.
The organ and it’s energy is injured by fear.
Incontinence represents the loss of that upright energy, a situation where a person can no longer hold themselves against the force of gravity.
Or .. think of it in a different way.. you no longer have the ability to hold yourself up in the face of a dominant force.
If this is an issue for you, is there, or has there been in the past, a dominant figure in your life that has used fear to control or exert power over you?
Has there been a theme in your life around the difficulty of expressing your own personal power?
Have you felt that you have had to behave or act in a certain way for fear of repercussions?
These issues are often related to a dominant or authoritarian father figure, where there may have been unbalanced masculine/feminine energy growing up.
Often we carry these imbalances and fears within the fabric of our physical bodies especially when pattern was imprinted in childhood.
Incontinence issues may manifest at the end of a long battle….this may be the end of a series of infections( battles) the end of a prolonged period of stress, or even the ultimate end, at the end of a lifetime.
It is the point of maximum yin , and minimum yang.
A surrender point.
These occasions though, can also be turning points, the time that prompts us to say ‘no more’ and seek to grow our own power within.
Incontinence is experienced by so many women on a sliding scale from slight to major problems especially after having children and/ or birth trauma.
The messages I’d like to leave you with are
It’s more than physical..
It doesn’t have to be inevitable or permanent.
Look towards healing your boundaries and connecting in with your own power.
( Ooo.. I feel a new course forming in my head!)
💕You are more powerful than you know. 💕
Beautiful Image by @fractals_by_design