Discover the Mind Body Connection
Free Resources and low cost options - Dip your toe into the metaphysical world
Why This & How to Heal - Free
This two part course will introduce you to my approach to the connection between mind and body.
Our body speaks to us in metaphor, learn the basics of questioning your body so you can translate its message.
The Energy of Emotion - Free
A dive into the emotions & energetic world of the Five Elements. Learn more about how emotional energy shows up in your personality.
The Healing Point Podcast - Free
Listen to conversations with people struggling with health issues and notice how their physical issues are linked to their past experiences, how their beliefs and fears are influencing their current life situations.
Please note that there are also unpublished podcasts available in the emotional anatomy library.
Microworkshops - £22
These short 90 minute workshops cover an overview of Chinese Medicine and Emotional Anatomy. Each one covers an organ, its meridian pathway and the deeper understanding or their energy as it relates to the whole body. Learn about the ‘personalities’ of the organs and their deeper meanings
The Emotional Anatomy Library - £15
An extensive library of posts, writings, videos and metaphysical teachings on the language of the body. For use as reference and learning.
Join for a month or subscribe.
The Wisdom of your Cycle - £49
A 3 part workshop on the metaphysics and metaphors of the Menstrual Cycle. Discover the deeper meanings of how and why imbalances occur in this cycle and follow the self inquiry questions to learn more about how your own cycle is affected by your emotions