The body is the metaphor of the mind.
Stiffness and inflexibility show where the resistance to movement and action lies.
All our hidden thoughts and beliefs show up in the body. Often they have been hiding there since childhood.
Often stiffness and inflexibility appear because we are being pushed or pulled in a direction we are resistant to.
That resistance usually exists in the subconscious. If you can really examine the truth of a situation you might find words such as
- I really don’t want to do this but I know I have to -
This is a conflict between what we truly want to do and what we HAVE to do.
The conflict shows up as stiffness, tightness and resistance.
For example: neck stiffness might relate to a resistance to doing all those zoom calls you HAVE to do now.
Your shoulder tightness might reflect your inner desire not to do the things you HAVE to do for others.
The more awareness we have of that inner voice, then the less the body needs to manifest it for us.
Write it out, journal , or talk to your cat, either way express it.
Where is that resistant voice coming from? Is it your inner child? A parent? Examine and talk to it, the conversation may well lead you to deeper understanding.