Nausea is ‘rebellious stomach Qi’ in Chinese Medicine, literally energy flowing the wrong way.
The stomach is all about digesting, the taking in and processing of physical matter AND emotional energy.
The temptation is to assume that the nausea is coming from the physical food we eat, but the truth is it’s rarely that simple.
Nausea says ‘I can’t process what’s going on at the moment’, vomiting says ‘Get me out of here quick!’
This is a nervous system response to circumstances we are finding challenging. Our body wants to keep us safe, when in a place of fear or unrest the body has no time or energy for digestion, it is secondary to the need to stay vigilant.
If you grew up with a stressed parent, you will have learned to stay vigilant because you would be picking up on the fear present in that person. This often creates digestive problems as an adult.
Nausea is a clue that your body is sensing the feeling of being unsafe, that things might fall out of control. It might be a familiar feeling in certain circumstances or even with certain people.
At an even deeper level nausea also arises when you are feeling disempowered in some way and feel unable to assert your personal power.
The energy of the stomach is about your ability to know and OWN your identity, the meridian stretches from the eye to the second toe.
It sits at the front of you.
It knows and speaks your boundaries.
Another persons energy disempowering or breaking those boundaries makes you want to rebel, and resist. But without a ‘strong stomach’ a conflict arises about how safe it is to do that. Nausea is one of physical symptoms that result from that inner conflict.