Helen Keller said “the only thing worse than being blind is to have sight but no vision”
All of the sense organs are about the inner processing of our external world, and each sense relates to the perception of the unseen or invisible energies. To have vision is to see something that does not yet exist, but has potential to become a reality.
In Chinese Medicine the liver opens into the eyes, the liver’s spirit is named the Hun, it relates to expanded consciousness outside of our physical body. The Hun travels at night leaving the physical body and is partly responsible for dreams.
Toxicity and limitation are the environments that stress the liver and therefore the eyes.
There is so much to ‘expand’ on here with these metaphors; Emotionally when we feel limited in any way in life, we feel frustration or tension.
If a dream or possibility is crushed we respond to the loss with anger or sadness.
Equally witnessing anything traumatic might be considered toxic to the mind and may impact the liver.
The eyes therefore energetically hold the ability to see both our future and our past.
It is too much of a simplification to say that eye problems are to do with the question ‘what are we not seeing’ because how do we know what we can’t see. Instead I would encourage anyone with eye issues to firstly consider what stresses need attending to in your environment, and then secondly where have you become fixed or rigid in your view of situations. In your current circumstances attempt to view the whole situation from a different or outside perspective without judgement or defence. This might take you towards an altered view of things.
Consider also, how you see yourself , we can have ‘toxic’ self talk that keeps us limited in our lives.
Conversely those who ‘set their sights’ on something keep pushing those limits to reach breakthroughs that may be even be beyond their original vision.
The ability of the eyes to see in a physical sense is basically governed by muscles which are prone to tightening under stress, but ultimately it is the mind that sees, because the interpretation, filter and focus is within the brain and influenced by our past experiences and emotions.