Fibroids - the emotional & energetic root cause.
Feminine roles, mothers and mothering is the subject of the emotional language of the womb, but in truth there is so much more symbolism here.
This area is the source of our creativity, not just in a physical -producing a child- way, but our energetic creativity.
The alchemical process that produces something new in the world, be it art, music or words, this seed grows here in the sacral chakra, our centre of feeling and sensitivity. It is the portal of compassion for others and our receptivity for love and nurture from others.
It represents our physical and deep connection with our loved ones.
The uterus has the capacity to expand and shrink, grow and release.
The metaphor expresses something of our changeable female nature but also our huge capacity for change and flexibility.
Fibroids then, represent a challenge to our growth and restriction to this flexibility.
Feeling undervalued and unsupported in a relationship, and difficult maternal relationships ( sometimes going back over generations) are the commonest emotional reasons behind fibroids. I have noticed that in the past many people have talked about fibroids as a response of the body to a desire to have a baby or nurture a child. This is not my experience in clinic. What is more common is to find a lack of intimacy, and real connection within relationships. Sexuality has either dissolved within a partnership or become physical and unemotional. The sacral chakra thrives in a sensual environment and when this is lost the energy becomes stagnant. The flow of blood becomes stagnant (clotty periods) and eventually fibroids can form.
And behind all the frustration, resentment and dissatisfaction with the situation is a sadness that the relationship/ situation can’t be all that you long for: the deep connection and feeling of love that would nurture that sacral centre .
Ignoring the issue and carrying on usually means that over time the fibroids grow creating a bigger problem. Physical intervention may work but if the emotional root is not truly healed the emotion and stagnation will most likely find its way through to the physical body in another way.
Healing fibroids means learning to give yourself all that you yearn to receive from others.
Learning to love yourself .